Welcome to your first Data Analytics tutorial.
This will be an adventure that will take you from a data-jungle to the radiant sky of knowledge. Don’t worry you won’t be bitten by pythons (none will be here) but lots of will get you to your destination.
We will begin our journey with a “hello world” scream and wrestle
with math. Our first data-jungle encounter will show us the atomic types
Then we will meet our new best friend data.frame
Hello World & Arithmetics
It is custom to begin with a “Hello World” example. In the console window write:
cat('Hello World\n')
and then press Run Code
and once you are happy with the
result press Submit Answer
, otherwise try the other two
cat('Hello World\n')
This prints the text Hello World
. Here, we used the
function cat
which concatenates and prints. The string
'Hello World\n'
could have be split into three parts.
By the way \n
means new line and ensures the command
prompt will not be next to the string. Strings are identified by single
or double quotes.
The console executes commands immediately. Try fundamental arithmetics \(1+2,~2-1,~3 \times 4, \frac{9}{3}\)
1+2; 2-1; 3*4; 9/3
You can concatenate and display the above with cat
cat(1+2, 2-1, 3*4, 9/3)
Let’s try powers such as: \(2^4,~3^{-1},\sqrt{16}\)
cat(2^4, 3^-1, sqrt(16),16^(1/2))
Practice makes perfect
Display the sum of the numbers one to five divided by five.
# There are numerous ways to do this task.
# You may want to start with the display function
# Do not forget to close the brackets before dividing
cat((1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +5) ... )
The average (aka. sample mean) is computed in this way, i.e. \[\bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i = \frac{x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n}{n}\]
Display the text: “The golden ratio is:” and concatenate it with the calculation \(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\). By the way, the background to the golden ratio is intruiging.
cat("The golden ratio is: ", (1+sqrt(5))/2)
Scalars, Vectors and Matrices
In the previous exercises scalars were used. Now we will use them via variable names.
a = 1; b = 2; # this is a comment: declaration
c = a + b # addition
c # show result
Let us analyse the above code. The first line assigns values to the
variables \(a\) and \(b\). The first command is to
assign the value 1 to a
via a=1
. In R it is
very common to use <-
as assignment operator. Try it -
replace all =
with <-
in the above code.
You can even assign variables from right to left,
e.g. a+b -> c
, which “feels” really strange if you have
used other programming languages. The second command is
. Commands in the same line are seperated by a semicolon
. We have added a comment at the end of line 1.
Comments are identified with a hashtag #
, and they are not
Definition and Access
Vectors are formed by concatenating scalars using the
x = c(1,2,3) # easiest way
# or using the previous variables
a = 1; b = 2; c = a + b;
x = c(a,b,c)
The vector \(x = \left[\begin{array}{c} 1
\\2 \\ 3 \end{array}\right]\) has three elements. This can be
confirmed using the function length
. Each element can be
obtained via its index using square-brackets.
x = c(1,2,3)
cat('length = ', length(x), '\n')
cat('x1 = ', x[1], ', x2 = ', x[2], 'etc.')
Note that the first element has index 1 unlike in other programming languages.
Vectors are commonly known as arrays. Mathematicians prefer the term vector. Computer Scientists like the term array. In machine learning we will often call them feature. In statistical learning the term variable will come up.
Accessing several elements in vectors can be achieved using index vectors. For example, let us access the 2,3,2 and 5 element in the vector \(x = \begin{bmatrix}11&22&33&44&55\end{bmatrix}\) simultaneously.
x <- c(11,22,33,44,55)
I <- c(2,3,2,5) # index vector
Addition and Transpose
Let \(x = \left[\begin{array}{c} 1 \\2 \\ 3 \end{array}\right]\) and \(y = \left[\begin{array}{c} 4 \\ 5 \\ 6 \end{array}\right]\) be vectors and \(x+y\) their sum.
x = c(1,2,3)
y = c(4,5,6)
x + y
Although the above result looks like a row vector it is not. The transpose of it makes it clear. Generally, the transpose means that a row becomes a column vector or vice versa.
x = c(1,2,3)
That means, by default they are already column vectors. The transpose function returns the array as a matrix.
There are several ways to multiply the vectors \(x\) and \(y\). We will look at the element-by-element multiplication and the scalar product.
The first one is also known as Hadamard product \(x \odot y\). For a vector with three elements we obtain: \(x\odot y = \begin{bmatrix}x_1 y_1 & x_2y_2 &x_3y_3\end{bmatrix}\). For instance,
x = c(1,2,3)
y = c(4,5,6)
x * y
The scalar product \(x \cdot
y\) also known as dot product (or matrix multiplication
- we will come to this in a jiffy) is computed via
\(x\cdot y = x_1 y_1+x_2y_2+\dots
+x_ny_n\) In R this is achieved with %*%
x = c(1,2,3)
y = c(4,5,6)
x %*% y
The above results pushed us to the frontier of the “world” of matrices, because a vector is “just” a one dimensional matrix.
Practice makes perfect
Create a vector \(y\) with elements
one to ten using the colon operator :
, then add the second
and ninth element. Try to break up your solution approach in little
chunks. First write 1:10
and press Run Code
then assign it to \(y\). At last
calculate \(y_2+y_9\) (see hints).
y = 1:10
Assume you have two vectors \(u = \begin{bmatrix}5&2\end{bmatrix}^\intercal\) and \(v = \begin{bmatrix}2&4\end{bmatrix}^\intercal\).
Vector addition.
What is \(u+v\)?
u = c(5,2); v=c(2,4)
u = c(5,2); v=c(2,4)
How can you double the size of vector \(\begin{bmatrix}7&6\end{bmatrix}\)?
# Use scalar multiplication, or add the same vector twice
Assume \(u=\begin{bmatrix}1&2&3\end{bmatrix}\) and \(v=\begin{bmatrix}2&1&\frac{1}{3}\end{bmatrix}\). What is the Hadamard product \(u\odot v\)?
u = c(1,2,3); v=c(2,1,1/3)
u = c(1,2,3); v=c(2,1,1/3)
Given are \(u=\begin{bmatrix}1&2&3\end{bmatrix}\) and \(e=\begin{bmatrix}1&1&1\end{bmatrix}\). What is the dot product \(u\cdot e\)?
u = c(1,2,3); e=c(1,1,1)
u = c(1,2,3); e=c(1,1,1)
Beautiful side effect - the dot product of a vector \(u\) with a one-vector \(e\) is just the sum of the vector elements, i.e. \(u \cdot e = \sum_{i=1}^n u_i\)
A matrix \(A = \left[\begin{array}{c} 1 & 4 \\2 & 5 \\ 3 & 6 \end{array}\right]\) can be created from vectors using the row or column bind functions:x = c(1,2,3); y = c(4,5,6)
A = cbind(x,y) # column bind
B = rbind(x,y) # row bind
Another way to create \(A\) is by
using the matrix
function with the input
ncol = 2
A = matrix(c(1,2,3, 4,5,6), ncol = 2)
Now it is interesting to access individual elements of the matrix. For instance, assume you want to return the element located in row 3 and column 2.
Let’s expand the matrix to make it more interesting.
B = cbind(A,A)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1 4 1 4
## [2,] 2 5 2 5
## [3,] 3 6 3 6
Let’s return the second row and third column.
## [1] 2 5 2 5
## [1] 1 2 3
Let’s return the second and fourth column of \(B\).
Basic Datatypes
In this section we will look at classic R datatypes. We have looked
at vectors, which is the most fundamental type in R. Previously, we had
the example x=c(1,2,3)
. There are six basic data types:
(binary number), integer
number), double
(real number), complex
(string) and raw
(bytes), which are
all in the form of vectors. The function typeof()
return these datatypes.
By default a numeric vector has a double
data type.
x = c(1,2,3)
In order to get an integer vector we need to add an L
(long integer) to the numeric value.
x = c(1L,2L,3L)
## [1] "integer"
Next we will look at the data types logical and character.
s = c('one','two','three')
cat('type of b:', typeof(b), ', length of b:', length(b))
cat('type of s:', typeof(s), ', length of s:', length(s))
The last output is interesting, because it returns length of the
vectors. The vector \(s\) contains
three string elements. Usually (e.g. Java), a string consists of
characters. So, actually the data type character
should be
called string
The questions arises how can we get characters out of a string. The
function we need is substr()
. Let’s extract the first two
characters and characters 6 to 8.
s = 'Data Analytics'
cat( substr(s,1,2), substr(s,6,8))
By the way, nchar()
returns the number of characters in
a string.
There are two more basic datatypes complex
. The first one allows us to use complex numbers.
u = 1+1i
v = 1+0i
cat( u + v, u - v, u*v, u/v)
The second one deals with byte operations. Let’s begin with a few numbers translated into bytes.
Note, the hexadecimal representation of the bytes. The bit representation can be achieved with:
## [1] 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00
Practice makes perfect
Determine the type of 123.45:
Extract the first character of str
str = 'Data Analytics'
str = 'Data Analytics'
Extract the last two characters of str
str = 'Data Analytics'
str = 'Data Analytics'
Data-frames and Lists
Probably the most important data structure is the
. In the previous section we created several
vectors with different basic data types. Now we can put them together in
a data.frame
x = c(1,2,3)
s = c('one','two','three')
c = c(1+0i,1+1i,-1+0i)
D = data.frame(x,b,s,c)
This is similar to a matrix. However, a matrix only contains elements of one type. We observe that each column vector must have the same length.
Accessing elements can be achieved in the same way as in matrices. For instance let us extract the element in the second raw and third column.
Similarly to matrices rows and columns can be extracted, e.g. second raw and third column.
D[2,]; D[,3]
Tip: Shall I use a matrix or a data-frame? If you can, always use the “simpler” structure. When all elements have the same datatype a matrix is simpler than a data-frame. By the way, also use a vector instead of a one-dimensional matrix.
Let us have a look at another example. Assume you have got several customers and information about them: create the following data frame.
customer <- c('Wolfgang','Eleanor','Vikas','Patrick')
salary <- c(100,90,120,60)
years <- c(10,3,8,1)
df <- data.frame(customer,salary,years)
This data frame has four rows aka. observations and three columns aka. variables or features.
A feature can be extracted from a data frame using the access
operator $
. Let us extract all customers from the data
An observation can be obtained using square-brackets:
Lists are a sequence of elements. For instance,
L = list(a_number=1, words=c('one','two'), binvec = c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE))
Elements in a list are accessed differently to data-frames using
. For instance,let us get the second element in the
list, which is vector s
In a certain way a data.frame
is a special list, where
all elements are vectors with the same length.
It is possible to access column vectors in lists and data-frames by
their name, using the list subset operator $
. The function
returns the names as expected.
For instance, let us return x
in D
Practice makes perfect
Determine the number of rows (use nrow()
cars = mtcars
Determine the number of columns (use ncol()
cars = mtcars
List all column names of mtcars
You can find out more about R datasets using ?
. The datasets can be listed using:
library(help = "datasets")
library(help = "datasets")
# help(mtcars) # get more information (opens in new window)
Determine the average number of miles per gallons.
# start with
# for the average use
# mean(...)
Now, let’s get to the extreme level. List all car
that are above the average mpg value. Your “cooking ingredients” are:
for the cars, mean
for the average,
the logical comparison >
and logical indices
[TRUE, FALSE, ...]
# start with the previous challenge
# figure out each mpg
mtcars$mpg > mean(mtcars$mpg)
# try
# put it all together using logical indizes
rownames(mtcars)[mtcars$mpg > mean(mtcars$mpg)]
Classes and Objects
This is advanced material. You can skip this section. It would help if you do the Controls & Function tutorial first.
Previously we heard about lists. A list can be converted into an object (more specifically into an S3 object). The class represents the common structure, an instance or object of a class contains specific values.
Let us create the list c1
and state that it is an object
with class name customer.
c1 <- list(name = 'Wolfgang', salary = 100, years = 10)
class(c1) <- 'customer'
A constructor is a function that creates objects. Usually, the constructor name and class name are identical. That means, we integrate the above in a function.
customer <- function(n,s,y){
cr <- list(name = n, salary = s, years = y)
class(cr) <- 'customer'
wolfi <- customer('Wolfgang', 100, 10)
Let us write a customised print
function for the
customer class.
print.customer <- function(obj){
cat("Name: ", obj$name,"\nSalary: ", obj$salary)
This is “cool”! The function print.customer
automatically associated with the class. This is the first benefit of
classes we have noticed. That means, there is a generic function print
that is usable across many classes (see
It is possible to create new generic methods. For instance, let us
create the generic function salary
and implement a default
# generic method
salary <- function(obj) { UseMethod("salary")}
# try this for any class
salary.default <- function(obj) {
cat("The salary is", obj$salary,".\n")
# use this for the customer class
salary.customer <- function(obj) {
cat("The salary of",obj$name,"is", obj$salary,".\n")
Practice makes perfect
Create a generic, default and specific purchase
for the customer
class, which allows a customer to buy a
# generic method
purchased <- function(obj) { UseMethod("purchase")}
# try this for any class
purchased <- function(obj, purchased_object) {
obj$purchased_object <- purchased_object
cat("The object:", obj$purchased_object,"was purchased.\n")
# use this for the customer class
purchased <- function(obj, car) {
obj$car <- car
cat(obj$name, "purchased a", obj$car,".\n")
wolfi <- purchased(wolfi,"MG ZS EV")
A class consists out of attributes (attributes(c1)
) and
methods. The above introduced S3 class system is probably the most
popular one. Generally, object oriented programming (OOP) attempts to
provide coding with a more natural language. For instance, “Wolfgang
purchased an BMW”, translates into
wolfi <- purchased(wolfi,"BMW")
However, there is another object oriented programming approach in R,
known as R6. This one is more closely related to
traditional programming languages such as C# and Java. Please see Hadley’s R6 and Chang’s
documentation for more details. The above example’s translation becomes
a bit more natural wolfi$purchased("BMW")
Customer <- R6Class(
classname = "Customer",
public = list(
name = '', salary = 0, car = '',
initialize = function(name = '', salary = 0) {
self$name = name; self$salary = salary
purchased = function(car) {
self$car = car
cat(self$name, "purchased a",self$car,"\n")
wolfi <- Customer$new("Wolfgang",100)
- Another Data Analytics tutorial “Data Analytics Tutorial for Beginners - From Beginner to Pro in 10 Mins! - DataFlair” (2019)
- Brauer (2020) is a very short introduction to R
- Field (2021) is a great book to discover statistics using R
- Shah (2020) is a hands-on introduction to data science (Chapter 6 explains R)
This tutorial was created using RStudio, R, rmarkdown, and many other
tools and libraries. The packages learnr
were particularly useful. I’m very grateful to Prof. Andy
Field for sharing his discovr package,
which allowed me to improve the style of this tutorial and get more
familiar with learnr
. Allison Horst wrote a very
instructive blog “Teach
R with learnr: a powerful tool for remote teaching”, which
encouraged me to continue with learnr
. By the way, I find
her statistic
illustrations amazing.